Minus Games Client

Configuration Options

OptionDescriptionDefaultEnvironment VariableCommand Line Argument
server_urlThe URL of the server.
client_folderThe folder where client data is stored.Client folderCLIENT_FOLDER--client-folder
wine_exeThe path to the Wine executable (optional).NoneWINE_EXE--wine-exe
wine_prefixThe path to the Wine prefix (optional).NoneWINE_PREFIX--wine-prefix
verboseEnable verbose output.falseVERBOSE-v or --verbose
offlineRun in offline mode.falseOFFLINE-o or --offline
client_games_folderThe folder where client games are stored.Current directoryCLIENT_GAMES_FOLDER--client-games-folder
usernameThe username for authentication (optional).NoneMINUS_GAMES_USERNAME--username
passwordThe password for authentication (optional).NoneMINUS_GAMES_PASSWORD--password
actionThe action to perform.NoneNoneSubcommands like list, download, sync, etc.


ActionDescriptionCommand Line ArgumentAdditional Value Needed
ListLists all available games.listNone
ListJsonLists all available games in JSON format.list-jsonNone
DownloadDownloads the specified game.downloadgame
SyncSynchronizes information for all games.syncNone
SelectDownloadPrompts the user to select a game to download.select-downloadNone
RunGameRuns the specified game.run-gamegame
RunGameSyncedRuns the specified game with synchronization.run-game-syncedgame
SyncRunGameSynchronizes and runs the specified game.sync-run-gamegame
SelectGamePrompts the user to select a game.select-gameNone
DeleteGameDeletes the specified game, optionally purging it.delete-gamegame, purge
SelectDeleteGamePrompts the user to select a game to delete, optionally purging it.select-delete-gamepurge
MenuDisplays the main menu.menuNone
RepairRepairs the specified game.repairgame
SelectRepairPrompts the user to select a game to repair.select-repairNone
DownloadSyncsDownloads synchronization data for all games.download-syncsNone
DownloadSyncDownloads synchronization data for the specified game.download-syncgame
UploadSyncsUploads synchronization data for all games.upload-syncsNone
ScanForGamesScans for installed games.scan-for-gamesNone
SelectGameToPlayPrompts the user to select a game to play (only on Unix systems).select-game-to-playNone